Hi 👋, I’m Ralf!

I am a passionate open-source enthusiast at heart 💖. I have been advocating for the use of open-source software for decades. My passion began in the pre-2000 years with the Debian GNU/Linux project and the Chaos Computer Club. I have enjoyed kickstarting the local Freifunk community in my area as well as promoting other projects that are close to ideals of NGO and open-source communities.

Nowadays, in my spare time, I am mostly a dad of three 👼. And let’s just say, I’ve surpassed the age of 42 👴, but I’m still not sure if it’s the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything (as per the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) but I’ll continue my search for it.

I’ve been working for plusserver gmbh 💼 on and off for 2 decades now, currently being part of the team building the 100% open-source cloud called pluscloud open 🚀. Recently, I had the pleasure of co-authoring the Open Operations Manifesto as part of the Sovereign Cloud Stack community.